Thursday, May 7, 2009

Short, but to the point

The first day of class I walked in scared like any other freshmen would be, wondering if I was in the right class. I scoped out the room trying to find the best seat, not too close to the teacher and just close enough to the door in case I had to run out screaming. People were walking in and out of the room and every time you could feel the tension in the room rise with the same question on everyone’s mind, “Is that our teacher?” When they sat at one of the desk you could hear a sigh of relief from every corner of the room. Finally a guy walks in with a bag over his shoulder and toting a crate of papers behind him. He writes his name on the board and introduces himself as Paul Gasparo. All of us in the class were looking straight forward like a deer in headlights wondering what we got our selves into. He starts to tell us about the course and his expectations and with every word I cringed in my seat. All the papers we had to write and the millions of readings we had to do all you could think was there’s no way in hell I’m going to be able to do this in eight weeks.
But here I am eight weeks later, doing my final essay and passing. And I can’t help but ask myself how we did it. Paul managed to teach us lesson after lesson in such a short amount of time and actually made it stick, that’s talent right there. He made the lessons relatable to everyday life and kept us attentive by starting conversations and some how tying in the lesson.
I’m horrible at English and if any one could have taught me as much as I learned in this short eight weeks it would be Paul Gasparo. I wouldn’t have passed had it been anyone else teaching this course. So to future students, you’re in good hands.

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